End of week 1

Some accomplishments this week:

Having an almost 2 year old say ‘Happy Birthday’ to me in two languages!

Being given a new name: “Brittany”, because they can’t say my real name.

Getting up two hours before everyone else on Monday because I didn’t know when they would get up.

Going shopping a few times. The first time was to a store that sells everything, similar to Big W. The trip mostly consisted of me reading and translating labels! That trip my Dad’s cousin bought me shoes! Another time was to the Grand Place (a massive mall) and to the souvenir shops in Grenoble.

Seeing a tree planted by Henry IV!

Looking around the table and realising I can effectively communicate with everyone in the family. Though some better than others, they all know a little bit of English. And I now a little French.

Discovering that the best physical trainer is an almost two year old saying, “Again! Again!” while you do sit ups. Now my stomach hurts.

Not feeling short. Many of the people in Grenoble are the same height as me, including most of my family. They said I was cheating when I wore heels because it made me taller than them!

Found time to call my family in Australia!

Being accepted as family by the over-protective dog. In other words, he now doesn’t bark at me whenever I walk past him.

Eating watermelon with a knife and fork.

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